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Refer to this CHANGELOG for more info.

Date: Jan 2nd, 2025.

Change v0.1.9 v0.1.10 Notes
Initialization of useVisualize custom hook has changed Previously, you initialized it like this:
useVisualize(uri, authCredentials, {errorCallback: (error) => {}});
Now, you initialize it like this:
useVisualize({server: "", visualizePath:"", auth: {...}}, { errorCallback: (error) => {} });
The first and second parameters from version 0.1.9 are now combined into an object. You only need 2 parameters in the new version.

Sample values for

  • server:
    • This is the URL where your JRS server is located.
  • visualizePath:
    • This is the URL to download VisualizeJS.
  • auth: { name: "your_user", password: "your_user", organization: "your_organization", }
    • These are the credentials Visualize will use to access resources on the JRS server.
  • publicPath:
    • If visualizePath points to a CDN server, you should also set publicPath. That’s why this is optional, but if not set, jv-tools won’t know where to load the chunks from.